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Disbanding fundamentalist organizations as a starting point for restoring fragile democracies in Europe

Société | Les pays

Written for session 11 – The new pathway of democracy

A necessary introduction:

The riots that have taken place in French cities over the past few days confirm beyond any doubt what many political analysts have been warning against and fearing from, namely the transformations of democratic systems in France and other European societies.

Of course, the demographic and ideological factors, especially the fundamentalist and extremist parts that come from outside these societies, played a key role in intensifying these transformations which rebel against the state and the law and reject democratic values, in general, including freedom of speech, women’s rights and freedom of faith, in particular.

This was evident in the past, during the yellow vest protests and the pension law protests. The same trend will manifest itself in any other protests that arise from any social objections to the behaviour or the approach of the government.

Here, I totally agree with the French criminologist, Alain Bauer, who says:

“This situation in the country can lead only to one of two results: either the system of government in France will turn into one characterized by anarchy and criminality, where France will look like Haiti, or there will be a strong return to a deterrent authoritarian regime.”

He adds: “This return to the deterrent system will be extraordinarily brutal and there will be only one victim in the entire system: freedom and democracy. Those who do not understand this will pay a heavy price.”

Here we can use the indicator of the savagery that has befallen the French society, which President Emmanuel Macron, politicians and analysts give two synonymous expressions for: savagery, on one hand, and the backsliding of civilization, on the other.

The approaches and the goals of fundamentalists (in changing values on the road to the stage of empowerment) include – among other things – the idea of the management of savagery.

Apart from the various approaches that try to cope with the quiet change happening in European societies and the acts of terrorism and violence, this idea exploits a social phenomenon that has emerged from within those societies, namely democratic anarchy and socio-economic savagery, especially in the suburbs.

This idea compounds the separatist spirit that prevails in most of those populated areas where smuggling and drugs win through as economic activities that are not controlled by either the security forces or the law.

Bauer’s analysis of the awaited political system between anarchy and authoritarianism can be cited here.

This is the inevitable result of the absence of awareness of the reality of this danger.

I conclude this necessary introduction by saying that it is about time we cooperated to benefit from lessons and experiences related to confronting and neutralizing the threat of these organizations and applying these lessons and experiences in France and Europe.

Like the mayor of L’Haÿ-les-Roses put it after attempts were made to burn down his house and kill his wife and two children:

We are millions We will not bow

Let’s roll up our sleeves Let’s get down to business

Together we will overcome them.

What has happened to European societies?

Let’s talk clearly this time. Maybe, we will not have time if we are silent today to talk again or do something that will be remembered by future generations.

The International Organization of the Muslim Brotherhood expanded in Europe over the past 20 years , especially in France; Belgium; Germany, and the UK.

A modernized Islamist soft power infiltrated political, social, economic, sports, cultural and educational systems in Europe.

We cannot easily see the control this organization imposes on the European society as a whole behind the cloak of diverse Islamist groups and their rifts.

Following a series of terrorist attacks, Europe has woken up to discover that it had fallen into the clutches of this organization.

On one hand, European leftist parties and ecologists cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood for electoral purposes.

On the other, unfortunately, some of those who realize the dangers posed by these networks have a racist outlook and belong to far right and extremist parties.

There is an urgent need for the presence of conscious and responsible minds in the middle, ones that can face the challenge of this organization with modern conceptual weapons based on the European values of human rights and democracy.

Unfortunately, such minds are almost absent from the European political arena.

The Muslim Brotherhood has strengthened its presence in Europe due to the lack of awareness among the political elite governing France and Europe, in general.

I feel sorry to say that if the political Islam project launched by the International Organization of the Muslim Brotherhood continues to expand, we will be running the risk of witnessing the ascension of Islamists of the fourth and fifth generations to power in more than one European country, on top of which France, within a short period of time.

The Muslim Brotherhood fuels the spirit of hatred between Muslims and non-Muslims.

It tries to infiltrate civil society institutions to change the social fabric of European societies and pose a real threat, one that must be confronted by Western governments and politicians before it is too late.

In this regard, it would be useful for France to learn the Egyptian lesson. Egypt was the first target and the first victim of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Europe made the mistake of leaving European Muslims and Muslim immigrants to turn into an easy prey for the leaders of this organization that fights the values of the European continent.

Sorry to say, some European politicians help these leaders, consciously and unconsciously, in their attempts to infiltrate European societies and achieve their goals.

They have already infiltrated leftist and green parties because of the arrival of the third generation of immigrants who infiltrated the structures of these parties. These are generations of people who hold the citizenships of European states, were educated in European schools, and speak European language.

In the end, the Muslim Brotherhood aims to Islamize the European continent, a challenge that Western politicians must inevitably confront and thwart.

There are attempts to address this problem by passing certain laws, such as the anti-separatism law in France.

However, these attempts always end up being distorted and moving away from their basic goal.

The anti-separatism law is far from enough by itself, especially after it was softened and promulgated on August 24, 2021 under the name ‘Law on Confirmation of Respect for the Principles of the Republic’.

Thus, this law, which was intended to arm the republic against all forms of separatism and protect the republican model, has been diverted from its purpose.

The only solution to this challenge is to dismantle the structure of this organization, uncover its plans and dry up its funding sources.

In short, an all-out war has to be waged to stop the spread of this organization within European societies and political institutions.

For our part, we will keep warning against this danger until Western politicians wake up and unite in its face. Europe will pay a heavy price, if this deterioration does not stop soon.

We need to formulate a plan that rises up to the challenge and show French authorities our previous models and experiences to stop the infiltration and expansion of this group in the French society.

Let us not forget that we all face – on both shores of the Mediterranean – one danger. After all, the Brotherhood launched a war on Muslim societies in their traditional geography. It has turned to Europe, which, according to their belief, is ‘the House of War’.

In short, we must unite our efforts so that we can wage an all-out war everywhere against this pandemic to prevent it from achieving its diabolical goals over the coming years.

We will be trapped in a vicious cycle without this, and if we rely only on reforming and changing official laws or on vague and inaccurate projects to reorganize French Islam.

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