Un événement organisé par


  • Senior Partner
  • Argos Wityu


Sandra Lagumina joined asset management company Argos Wityu in October 2022 as senior partner of the Argos Climate Action fund dedicated to the decarbonisation of SMEs. She was previously a Partner at Meridiam, which she joined at the end of 2017 as Operations Director in charge of asset management before becoming Deputy Managing Director. She previously spent 11 years with the ENGIE Group working on the transition of the energy sector. There, she supported and then steered the reorganisation of the sector and was at the forefront of its environmental transformation. In 2016, she was appointed Deputy CEO of Engie, in charge of gas infrastructures, China and GTT. In 2013, as CEO of GRDF, Europe's largest gas distribution network, she launched its transformation and the shift towards renewable gas. From 2005 to 2013 she was General Counsel of Gaz de France, now GDF SUEZ. She began her career in the civil service in legal positions: in 1995 at the Conseil d'État, as an auditor, then maître des requêtes, in 1998 with the President of the National Assembly, Laurent Fabius, before joining the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry in 2000, in charge of legal issues, public procurement and competition law. Sandra Lagumina is also a specialist in regulatory law, which she teaches at IEP Paris, and was a member of the college of the French competition authority for 7 years. She is Vice-Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of FNAC DARTY and until recently was a member of the Board of Directors of SUEZ and Chairwoman of its CSR Committee. Sandra Lagumina is a graduate of the École Nationale d'Administration (ENA), after two postgraduate degrees (DESS) from Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, in common market law and public law, and from Sciences Po Paris.

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