Pierre-Yves GEOFFARD
- Membre
- Le Cercle des économistes
Present positions
- Professor, Paris School of Economics
- CNRS Senior Research Fellow
- Professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
- Research Fellow (CEPR)
- Libération, «Economiques », Editorial member
- Scientific council of IRDES, member.
- French National AIDS Council, member.
- Member de l’Institut National des Données de Santé
Past Positions
- (PSE) Paris School of Economics, Deputy Director, Deputy Director of PJSE, UMR CNRS-ENS-EHESS-ENPC,
- Deputy Director of DELTA
- Member in 2017 du Conseil National du Numérique
- Associate editor, Health Economics
- Group of experts, Institut des Données de Santé: member (2008-2010).
- CEPREMAP: co-director of the programme «Public Economics and redistribution» (2005-08).
- University of Lausanne, Institut d’économie et de management de la santé. Invited professor (1998–2008), graduate courses in microeconomics, public economics, health economics.
- Ecole Polytechnique, Associate Professor (2000–2006): undergraduate classes in macro and microeconomics.
- National Council for Evaluation – Conseil National de l’Evaluation, Member, 2001-2003.
- Caisse des dépôts & consignations, Paris (Equity Derivation Division), Research director, Mathematical modeling on equity derivatives, technical support to sales, (1993-94).
- University of Chicago (Départment of Economics), Visiting Scholar, “Research on the economic aspects of the control of epidemics”, (1992-93).
- University of Stanford (Graduate School of Business), Visiting Scholar, “Research on dynamic general equilibrium theory”, (1991-92).
- PHD in applied mathematics, 1991.”Recursive utility, sunspot equilibria: two intertemporal economic models”.
- DEA (Master’s Degree) in Economics, 1988, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
- DEA (Master’s Degree) in Applied Mathematics, 1987, University Paris-IX-Dauphine.
- Ecole normale supérieure, 1985-89.
Main Publications
- End-Of-Life Medical Spending In Last Twelve Months Of Life Is Lower Than Previously Reported, avec E. B. French, J. McCauley, M. Aragon, P. Bakx, M. Chalkley, S. H. Chen, B. J. Christensen, H. Chuang, A. Côté-Sergent, M. De Nardi, E. Fan, D. Échevin, C. Gastaldi-Ménager, M. Gørtz, Y. Ibuka, J. B. Jones, M. Kallestrup-Lamb, M. Karlsson, T. J. Klein, G. de Lagasnerie, P-C. Michaud, O. O’Donnell, N. Rice, J. S. Skinner, E. van Doorslaer, N. R. Ziebarth, E. Kelly ; Health Affairs, 2017, n° 7 (36), pp 1211-1217.
- Economic and public health consequences of delayed access to medical care for migrants living with HIV in France”, avec M. Cette & M. Guillon, The European Journal of Health Economics, 2017, pp 1-14.
- Medical Spending in France: Concentration, Persistence and Evolution before Death, avec C. Gastaldi-Ménager, G. de Lagasnerie, Fiscal Studies, 2016, n° 37 (3-4), pp 499-526.
- “Parent’s education and child body weight in France: The trajectory of the gradient in the early years”, avec B. Apouey, Economics and Human Biology, 2016 (20), pp 70-89.
- “The subjective value of a life with Down syndrome: Evidence from amniocentesis decision”, avec T. Gadjos & C. Garrouste, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2016, (127), pp 59-69.
- “Le gradient et la transmission intergénérationnelle de la santé pendant l’enfance ”, with B. Apouey, Economie et Statistique, 2015, n°475-476, pp 113-133.
- “Child health and use of health care services in France: Evidence on the role of family income”, with B. Apouey, Epidemiology and Public Health/Revue d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2014, n°62 (3), pp179-190.
- “Family income and child health in the UK,” with Bénédicte Apouey, Journal of Health Economics, 2013, vol. 32(4), pages 715-727
- “Réformer le système de remboursement des soins de ville : une analyse par microsimulation” with G. de Lagasnerie, Economie et Statistique,2012, n°455-456, pp 89-112
- “Assurance maladie en Suisse : l’assurance supplémentaire nuit-elle à la concurrence de l’assurance de base ?” with B. Dormont and K. Lamiraud, Economie et Statistique,2012, n°455-456, pp 71-88
- “La santé par quels moyens et à quel prix?”, Pierre-Yves Geoffard, Roger Guesnerie, and Julian Le Grand, Presses Universitaires de France, 2010
- “Workplace smoking ban effects on unhappy smokers,” Clément de Chaisemartin, Pierre‐Yves Geoffard, and Anne‐Laurence le Faou, Health Economics, vol. 20(9), pages 1043-1055, 2011.
- « Santé : A chacun selon ses besoins, de chacun selon ses capacités ?, » chapter 7 in Réformer par temps de crise, Institut Montaigne, Manitoba-Belles Lettres, 2012
- « Cannabis, How can we take back control ? », Pierre-Yves Geoffard and Emmanuelle Auriol, CAE reports, No. 52 , June 2019 : http://www.cae-eco.fr/Cannabis-comment-reprendre-le-controle
Research interests
- Public economics, economics of information and uncertainty, microeconomic foundations of public health policies.
July 7