Un événement organisé par


  • General Manager
  • Action logement


Managing Director of Action Logement since December 2020. She began her career at the Direction de l'Equipement in Brittany, before heading the department responsible for financing major urban development projects at the Ministry of Public Works. Nadia Bouyer was technical adviser in charge of housing and development in the office of François Fillon, then Prime Minister, and then chief of staff to Benoist Apparu, Minister for Housing. In 2011 and 2018, she held a number of positions at the Court of Auditors as a referendary adviser. She joined the Action Logement group at the beginning of 2018 to structure the merger of several of the group's Ile-de-France subsidiaries, a key player in social and intermediate housing in France, with a stock of over one million homes, of which she has been Managing Director since December 2020. Nadia Bouyer is a member of the Conseil Supérieur de la Construction et de l'Efficacité Energétique and the Board of Directors of the CSTB.

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