Laurence BOONE
- Minister of State for Europe
- Secrétaire d'État chargée de l'Europe, Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères
Present positions
- Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in charge of Europe
- Associate Professor at Sciences Po
Positions held:
- Deputy Secretary-General at OECD
- Chief economist at OECD and Head of the Economics Department
- Member of the Strategic committee of Agence France Trésor, the French National Debt Office.
- Chief economist at AXA group – Director of Research at AXA-IM – Management Board Member at AXA-IM
- Global Head of Multi Asset Client Solutions &Trading and Securities Finance, AXA Investment Manager
- Sherpa and Special Advisor for Multilateral and European Economic & Financial Affairs to the President of the French Republic
- Adviser in the Private Office of the President of the French Republic, François Hollande, Head Economic and Financial affairs division.
- Managing Director and Head of developed Europe Economics for BoFA Merrill Lynch Global Research
- Independent director of Board of Kering
- Corresponding member of the French Prime Minister Council of Economic Advisers and of the Commission of national Accounts
- Associate Professor at Sciences Po
- Chief Economist France at Barclays Capital
- Senior Economist at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- Research fellow for the Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales (CEPII)
- Professor at the Ecole PolytechniqueProfessor at ENSAE and at the Ecole Normale supérieure de Cachan
- PhD in Applied Econometrics from the London Business School
- Master’s degree in Economics and a D.E.A in Modeling and Quantitative Analysis from the University of Paris X – Nanterre
- Master in Econometrics and Macro Econometric Forecasting from Reading University
July 7