Un événement organisé par

François-Xavier PRIOLLAUD

  • Invited by
  • Le Cercle des économistes / Forum Normandie pour la Paix


François-Xavier PRIOLLAUD, 46 years old, is Mayor of Louviers (since 2014), Deputy President of the Seine-Eure Agglomeration (since 2014) and Vice-President of the Normandy Region (since 2016) where he is the initiator of the "Normandy for Peace" World Forum. Committed to a political Europe, he is the author of numerous reference books and publications on European law. He is a member of the Committee of the Regions of the European Union and the Congress of Local Authorities of the Council of Europe. Administrator of the National Assembly (since 2001), he was an auditor of the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (class of 2007).


  • Mayor of Louviers (since April 2014, re-elected in the 1st round in March 2020)
  • Vice-President of the Normandy Region (since January 2016, re-elected in June 2021)
  • Delegate President of the Agglomération Seine-Eure (since April 2014, re-elected in July 2020)
  • Alternate member of the Committee of the Regions of the European Union
  • Member of the Congress of Local Authorities of the Council of Europe
  • Member of the National Commission for Decentralised Cooperation (CNCD)


  • Administrator of the National Assembly
    • Since July 2017: Head of the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Delegation on Intelligence
    • June 2012 to June 2017: Administrator of the Information and Multimedia Communication Department of the National Assembly
    • January 2006 to August 2008: Administrator of the Foreign Affairs Committee
    • April 2001 to January 2006: Administrator of the European Affairs Committee
  • The New Centre
    • Nov 2010 to June 2012: Director General of the political party "Le Nouveau Centre" (November 2010 to June 2012)
  • Ministry of Defence
    • Sept 2008 to November 2010 : Member of the ministerial cabinet - Political advisor to the Minister of Defence
  • The New Observer
    • Sept 1994 to April 2001 : Contributor / freelancer at the Nouvel Observateur


  • Graduate of the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (1998 - Public Service section)
  • Master's degree in domestic public law - University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne (1998)
  • Diplôme d'approfondissement en droit européen (Filière Jean Monnet - Université Paris XII - 1995)


  • Member of the Board of Directors of the European Movement - France
  • Co-founder of Editions Saint-Simon (www.editions-saintsimon.fr)
  • Co-founder of the European Book Prize - Former auditor of the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (Class of 2007)
  • Co-founder of the LABYRINTHE Review (multidisciplinary research review) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labyrinthe_(revue)


  • Normandy for Peace: the identity of a world region: in Revue France Forum, n°80, April 2021
  • Et si l'Europe (re)devenait l'amie des communes? in Revue France Forum, n°67, November 2017
  • Les traités européens après le traité de Lisbonne - Textes comparés (3e édition), éd. La Documentation française, novembre 2013 (Co-authored with D. Siritzky)
  • Que reste-t-il de l'influence française en Europe, ed. La Documentation française, October 2011 (Co-authored with D. Siritzky)
  • Le traité de Lisbonne, texte et commentaire, article par article des nouveaux traités européens (TUE et TFUE), éd. La Documentation française, mai 2008 (Co-authored with D. Siritzky)
  • L'Europe du traité de Lisbonne, ed. La Documentation française (coll. l'actu facile), June 2008 (co-written with D. Siritzky)
  • Les collectivités territoriales françaises dans l'Union européenne, revue Regards sur l'actualité, n°331, May 2007


  • National Defence Medal

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