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An economist by training, Aurore Lalucq co-founded the Institut Veblen, a think tank on ecological and social transition. A specialist in the monetarisation and financialisation of nature and the social-ecological transition, she and economist Jean Gadrey wrote the book Faut-il donner un prix à la nature, which won the Fondation de l'écologie politique book prize in 2015. At the same time, Les petits matins is publishing a collection of translations of major authors in economic thought (Hyman Minsky, William Kapp, Herman Daly, Joan Martinez Allier, etc.) and the "politiques de la transition" collection (Eloi Laurent, Dominique Méda, Tim Jackson, James Galbraith, etc.). In 2019, she was elected Member of the European Parliament. She sits on the Committee on Economic Affairs, the Committee on Employment and coordinates the Subcommittee on Taxation and chairs the Intergroup on the Green New Deal. At the European Parliament (EP), Aurore Lalucq was rapporteur for the directive establishing the OECD agreement on minimum taxation of multinationals at European level, shadow rapporteur for the DAC 7 directive on the exchange of information between tax administrations and rapporteur for the reform of the code of conduct on harmful tax practices. In the area of banking regulation, she promoted the need to adapt prudential rules to environmental risk and the full application of Basel 3. On the subject of crypto assets, she was shadow rapporteur on the Transfer of Funds Regulation (TFR) and is calling for cryptos to be incorporated into so-called traditional financial regulations. Aurore Lalucq is currently shadow rapporteur on the Insurance and Reinsurance Recovery Directive (IRRD) and the EMIR (European Market Infrastructure Regulation) clearing package. She also works on sustainable finance and ESG criteria.

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