- Executive Director
- @trimumpuni
Tri Mumpuni, usually called Ibu Puni, is an agricultural engineer who has campaigned for more than twenty years to replace diesel-powered generators in remote rural areas with mi-cro-hydro power plants to support rural economic development in Indonesia. She has worked to implement renewable energy development in collaboration with various stakeholders, includ-ing the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Indonesian state electricity company (PLN). The organization she leads, IBEKA, has successfully built more than 70 micro hydro-based community empowerment projects, as well as clean water supply using solar power in various locations throughout Indonesia, in addition to several training activities for the Philip-pines and Rwanda. Ibu Puni and IBEKA have pioneered a public-private partnership model in small-scale re-newable energy projects with 50% share of ownership between the public and the private sec-tor. The share of income that the community gets from selling electricity to PLN is managed by the cooperative for various community activities, such as educational scholarship, health pro-gram, small business capital loans, contributions to the improvement of village infrastructure, etc. The implementation of this model is in collaboration with UN-ESCAP which then applied in several other countries in Asia. In 2012, Tri Mumpuni received the Global Peace Award in Atlanta, United States. And in the same year through her organization, IBEKA, received the Ashden Awards which was hand-ed over by Prince Charles as one of the Ashden initiators. Tri Mumpuni was chosen as one of the recipients of the 2011 Ramon Magsaysay Award as a tribute to her efforts on providing ac-cess of energy services through renewable energy technology for communities in remote vil-lages. Tri Mumpuni was invited to the 2010 Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship in Wash-ington DC, which was specifically recognized by President Barack Obama in his speech. Tri Mumpuni is often invited to various international forums, such as the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting on the "Clean Technology and Smart Energy: Deploying the Green Economy", in September 2010, and the Legatum Convergence by the Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT in October 2010. Tri Mumpuni is Ashoka Fellow 2006 and Eisenhower Fellow 2009, Women of the Year 2006 selected by Tempo Magazine, Climate Hero by WWF International 2005, received Wom-an of Change 2013 from the United States Embassy in Indonesia, chosen as Innovative Work Theme Women's Management of Natural Resources for Development 2013 from the Islamic Development Bank. Tri Mumpuni was also appointed as one of the Senior Advisors in the Minis-try of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2015-2016 and in the Ministry of Development of Dis-advantaged Areas and Transmigration in 2016-2017. Tri Mumpuni was involved as one of the experts sent on a mission supported by the Islam-ic Development Bank to Palestine for the development of renewable energy in an effort to alle-viate poverty in Palestine. She has also been a guest lecturer at several universities in the United States (Auburn, Ohio University, Cornell, MIT, Princeton, Colorado School of Mine, Uni-versity of Pennsylvania), Japan (Kwensi Gakuin University, Nagoya University, Tokyo Universi-ty) and regularly become one of the speakers in various international forums such as the World Economic Forum in Davos, Tianjin, Positive Economy Lu Havre in France, Hivos in the Nether-lands, etc.
July 8