- General Manager
Sandra Hoibian has a doctorate in sociology (École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) and a DEA in Marketing and Strategy (Dauphine). She has been studying French opinion and behaviour for 25 years (Kantar, BVA, Crédoc) and is a specialist in societal trends. Her research focuses on French lifestyles and issues of social cohesion (inequalities, values, civic participation, well-being, etc.) and the environment (opinions, behaviour, obstacles and levers for change). At Crédoc, she oversees the permanent Living Conditions and Aspirations survey. She regularly publishes in peer-reviewed journals (Année sociologique, Politiques sociales et familiales, BEH, Regards, etc.) and works for a number of public institutions (Conseil économique social et environnemental, France stratégie, CNLE, DGE, DGCS, ADEME, etc.) and the media.
July 8