- Invited by
- Le Cercle des économistes
An economist and professor at the University of Lille, Nathalie Chusseau is also an associate researcher at the Fondation du risque's Chaire Transitions Démographiques, Transitions Economiques in Paris. Her research focuses on the economics of inequality, human capital, intergenerational social mobility, vocational training and international macroeconomics. She has published numerous articles on these topics. She is responsible for two international study programs at bachelor and master levels. She has just been appointed permanent member of the scientific council of the EPIDE (Etablissement Pour l'Insertion dans l'Emploi) as a qualified personality, and also chairs a group of experts on inequalities within the CESER Hauts-de-France. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the DomusVi corporate foundation. She has been in charge of the "Hautes études régionales" continuing education program at Sciences Po Lille since 2019.
Her recent publications include:
"Aspirations et autocensure scolaires des élèves de classe de troisième dans la région des Hauts-de-France: l'enquête École, Aspirations, Avenir", with Valentine Schmitz Geldhof, "Remettre l'éducation et la formation au cœur du débat", Note for Le Cercle des économistes, Paris, April 13, 2022; "Réussir l'inclusion économique des NEETS", Note for Le Cercle des économistes, Paris, November 29, 2021; "Construire le projet de vie des séniors: quelle formation professionnelle pour préparer sa retraite et favoriser les activités socialisées? ", with A. Creppy, Report for the Chaire Transitions Démographiques, Transitions Economiques - Caisse des Dépôts, Paris, 2022; "Confinement et inégalités scolaires : une fatalité ?", Institut Sapiens, April 2020; "Impacts macroéconomiques d'un libre accès à une formation continue", with J. Pelletan, Report for the Chaire Transitions Economiques, Transitions Démographiques, published by Institut Sapiens in March 2019; "La mobilité sociale en Hauts-de-France", Repères Hauts-de-France n°11, January 2019, with Grégory Marlier and Valentine Schmitz.