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Manjula Pradeep is a Human Rights Activist working for the rights of marginalised communities in particular Dalits (former untouchables) and women for more than three decades in India. Manjula Pradeep was associated with Navsarjan Trust, one of the largest Dalit rights organization in India and served as its Executive Director for twelve years. Manjula is also the former co- chair of International Dalit Solidarity Network, which is addressing the inclusion of caste based discrimination in the United Nations. Manjula has been representing the issues of the Dalits and Dalit women at the United Nations, in European Parliament and at international platforms since 2000. Manjula has taken up cases of extreme forms of violence and atrocities on women and Dalits and in particular sexual violence on minor girls and women from marginalised communities. Manjula is the founder of Wise Act of Youth Visioning and Engagement (WAYVE) Foundation whose mission is to guide, handhold and transform lives of grassroot women activists and youth leaders from marginalised communities; enabling them to build their leadership and support them in setting up community based organizations to empower/serve their communities at the grassroots. Manjula is the Director of Campaigns at the Dalit Human Rights Defenders Network which focusses on combatting negligence in violation of Dalit Human Rights and to ensure that the anti-discrimination mechanism is effectively implemented. Manjula cofounded National Council of Women Leaders and is the National Convenor, which is spread out in 21 states of India uniting women and trans-women leaders from marginalised communities and providing them a platform to address and represent their issues. Manjula was listed by BBC as one of the 100 influential and inspirational women in the world for the year 2021.
July 9
Intergenerational Implications of caste-based structural Inequality in India
Société | Les individus