New mobility challenges
Everyday travel represents on average more than one hour in the day for the French and sometimes generates deep resentment: traffic jams, bus closures, crowded subways, etc., make people nervous and make the headlines. In reality, the car remains the preferred mode of travel and, for example, 58% of working people get to work by car. There is obviously a big difference between the Paris catchment area, where this share is less than 37%, and the rest of France, where it is over 70%. Faced with the dual requirement of reducing our carbon footprint and developing our territories, the question of new mobility arises. If the end of combustion engines by 2035 is confirmed, very significant investments will have to be made and this will also be an opportunity to reflect on the place we want for alternative modes of transport. Nearly 200 million daily trips are at stake!

Ministre délégué, chargé des Transports

