How can life long education be enhanced?
Lifelong learning is crucial for our economies: it protects against the obsolescence of qualifications linked to technological change, it responds to the challenges of ecological transition, and it helps to keep older people in employment.
However, each year, only 32% of workers participate in work-related training, which is well below the OECD average.
Should continuing training be made compulsory? Should it be targeted at certain categories of people (young people, senior citizens, unskilled)? What about the role played by the company? An employer who trains and develops talent will be able to adapt to the various transitions (digital, ecological, demographic) and respond to tensions on the labour market.
What skills should be developed to adapt to a changing labour market? Are we training enough in soft skills? How can we organise effective training and retraining mechanisms that are integrated into HR policy?

CCI Paris Ile-de-France



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