Professor - Tilburg University

Professor dr. Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers (1968, female) is professor of corporate governance at Tilburg University, TIAS School for Business and Society, The Netherlands. Ms Lückerath-Rovers holds a master (1994) and PhD (2007) in Financial Economics from Erasmus University, Rotterdam. Her research focuses on the relationship between executive boards and supervisory boards, including aspects such as transparency, diversity, independence and evaluations. She wrote several articles in these topics, for example in the Journal of Business Ethics (2012): Code of Conduct for Non-Executive Directors and in the Journal of Management and Governance (2013) Women on boards and firm performance. She is the co-author of the annual non-executive directors survey (since 2007) and of the Dutch Female Board Index (since 2007). She is the editor of the Yearbook Corporate Governance (Kluwer). She is also a member of the Supervisory Boards of Achmea N.V. (Number 1 Dutch insurer), NRC (Dutch newspaper), the investment funds and the Greenfund of ASN Bank, and the Dutch Guide Dog Foundation. She is a member of the Board of the Dutch Payment Association (“Betaalvereniging Nederland”) and member of the Public Interest Committee of Ernst&Young Accountants LLP.
Publications :
- Lückerath-Rovers, M. (2013), Women on Boards and Company Performance, Journal of Management and Governance, vol. 17, nr.2, p.491-509
- Lückerath-Rovers, M. en A. de Bos, A. (2011), Code of Conduct for Non-Executive Directors and Supervisors, Journal of Business Ethic, 100(3), 465-481
- Lückerath – Rovers, M. L.Quadackers en A. de Bos (2009). Non-executive directors in the profit and non-profit sector; a different approach towards governance? Management Online Review, December 2009, p.1.-14.
Twitter Account: mluckerath