Member - Le Cercle des économistes

Graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique 1960
Graduate of the Ecole Nationale de Statistique et d’Administration Economique (ENSAE) 1963
Doctorate in Economic Sciences, Paris 1966
Aggregate in Law and Economic Sciences. 1968
Present position:
– Editor Descartes & Cie
– Member of the editorial board of La Revue
Marc GUILLAUME is an economist with backgrounds first as engineer, statistician, and econometer.
He took part in the long-term and medium-term planification works in the French Administration.
He has been a member of the scientific comimttee of France Telecom (1990 – 1996).
He has a long experience in various areas as:
– teaching economy (particularly public economy),
– research, managing a research center,
– administration of research (at the Department of University Education and then at the Department of Research from 1982 to 1993)
Others: Main publications
– Les marchés d’occasion et la dépréciation du capital, PUF 1966
– Modèles économiques, Thémis, PUF, 1971
– L’anti-économique, Thémis, PUF, 1973
– Le capital et son double, PUF, 1975
– Éloge du désordre, Gallimard, 1978
– La politique du patrimoine, Galilée, 1980
– L’impératif culturel, Rapporteur Général, Documentation Française, February 1982
– L’État des sciences sociales en France, la Découverte, collective works under my supervision
– L’ordinaire de la télématique, éditions de 1’IRIS
– La contagion des passions, Plon, 1989
– Figures de l’altérité, Descartes & Cie, 1994
– Marx en jeu, with J. Derrida, Descartes &Cie, 1997
– Où vont les autoroutes de l’information Descartes & Cie, 1998
– L’empire des réseaux, Descartes & Cie, 1999
– Virus vert, Descartes & Cie, 2002.
– Jours de colère (with P. Dockès, F. Fukuyama, P. Sloterdijk), Descartes & Cie, 2010
– La question du genre, Michel de Maule, 2013
– A hundred articles published in different reviews or collective works
Marc Guillaume – S’épanouir au travail