Emmanuel MACRON
Minister for the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs - France

Professional Experience:
– He is the French Economy Minister after having served as a prominent government official responsible for economic and financial affairs
– 2007: Joined the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) and became adviser to the head of department. In this capacity, he served as rapporteur for French Commission on Economic Growth, chaired by Jacques Attali.
– 2008-2012: Worked in the banking industry.
– May 2012 – June 2015: Was appointed Deputy Secretary General of the Elysée, Sherpa and Economic Advisor to the French President with particular responsibility for the economic strategy and for financial affairs. In this role, he oversaw economic, fiscal, financial, tax and sectorial issues.
– August 2015: Minister for the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs
Twitter Account: @EmmanuelMacron