Vice-president in charge of Europe and International Relations - Rhône-Alpes Region

Mr Bernard SOULAGE (married, two children) graduated at Sciences Po Paris; he holds a PhD in urban planning and development, and an agrégation degree in economic and social sciences. He has been a member of the French Socialist Party since 1974 and has served as its Secretary General in charge of Higher Education. His duties within the Rhône-Alpes Region include the First Vice-presidency in charge of transport between 2004 and 2010 and the Vice-presidency in charge of European and International Affairs since 2010. Among other responsibilities, he also was a member of the European Parliament in 2009, and currently is the Chairman of the Association of European Cities and Regions with High-Speed Railway, Vice-president of the “groupement des autorités responsables de transport” (spokesbody for French transport organisations) and first Vice-president of the “GIE Objectif Transport Public”, a public body aiming at promoting public transport. With senator Ronan DANTEC, he is the coordinator of the World Summit on Climate and Territories, a unique event gathering 800 non-state actors from all over the world in Lyon the 1st and 2nd of July to present their proposals and commitments in the field of climate change.
Publication (5 max.):
He published several books and essays, among which a co-authored publication on the future of railways after 2012 (Quel rail après 2012 ? Le temps politique est venu).
Les variables d’Austerlitz : le socialisme et la rigueur économique, avec J. Gallus et F. Stasse, préface de Michel Rocard, éditions Flammarion, 1979.
Les stratégies industrielles et sociales des groupes français (d’après sa thèse de doctorat), Presse Universitaires de Grenoble, 1981.
Industrie, Territoires et Politiques Publiques, avec C. Courlet, éditions L’Harmattan, 1994.