Member - Cercle des économistes

Present positions:
Executive Director of the Chair of Career Paths Security at Sciences Po and GENES
Fellow at the Department of Economics at Sciences Po
Senior Economist at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Research Fellow at IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor)
Positions held:
Advisor to the French Minister for the Economy, Finance and Employment
Economist at the International Monetary Fund
Assistant Professor at La Sorbonne University
PhD in Economics, La Sorbonne University (University Paris 1)
D.Phil. in Economics, Paris School of Economics
Master of Science in Management – Grande Ecole, ESSEC (Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales)
Main publications
Labor Economics, The MIT press, with Pierre Cahuc and André Zylberberg, 2014.
Améliorer l’assurance chômage, with Pierre Cahuc, Presses de Sciences Po, 2014.
La machine à trier, with Pierre Cahuc, Olivier Galland and André Zylberberg, Editions Eyrolles, 2011
« The Detaxation of Overtime Hours: Lessons from the French Experiment », with P.Cahuc, Journal of Labor Economics, 32(2), pp.361-400, 2014
« Youth Unemployment in Old Europe: The Polar Cases of France and Germany », with P. Cahuc, U. Rinne and K. F. Zimmermann , IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, pp. 2-18, 2013
« Can Public Sector Wage Bills Be Reduced? », with P. Cahuc, in Fiscal Policy after the Financial Crisis, edited by Alberto Alesina and Francisco Giavazzi, chapter 9, pp. 359-404, 2013, NBER, The University of Chicago Press, 2013
« Is short-time work a good method to keep unemployment down? », with P. Cahuc, Nordic Economic Policy Review, 1, pp.133-169, 2011
« The Shortcomings of a Partial Release of Employment Protection Laws: The Case of the 2005 French Reform », with Pierre Cahuc, Economic Policy, 2006
« Bilateral Workers-Firms Training Decisions and an Application to Discrimination », with E. Wasmer, Annals of Economics and Statistics, 71/72 pp. 317-345, 2003
Economic field of expertise:
Labor Economics, Public Policy