Bertrand BADRE
Managing Director and Group Chief Financial Officer - The World Bank

Badré is responsible for the financial and risk management strategies of the World Bank Group and for the institutions that make up the Group. This includes development of new, innovative financial products and services, oversight of the financial reporting, risk management, and mobilization of financial resources in alignment with the Group’s strategy. In addition, he oversees the Information and Technology Solutions Vice Presidency. Badré currently leads the Group’s activities on Finance for Development and the Global Infrastructure Facility.
Badré contributes to the international dialogue on financial standards and best practices, primarily through his representation of the Group at the Financial Stability Board, and participation in meetings of the G7 and Heads of Multilateral Development Banks. He is chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Action Council on Sustainable Development, and represented the Group as G20 finance deputy in 2013-14.
Professional Experience:
Badré joined the Group in March 2013. Previously, he was Group CFO at Société Générale and Crédit Agricole, and Managing Director of Lazard. During the 2003 Evian G8 summit, Badré served as President Chirac’s deputy personal representative for Africa and as a spokesperson on new international financial contributions to fund development. He was on the World Panel on Financing Water Infrastructure, chaired by Michel Camdessus, and served in the French Ministry of Finance.
Bertrand Badré – Finance, Development and Jobs