

Former Minister for Foreign Affairs - France

Former student at the French Institute of Political studies known as “SciencesPo” and at the National School of public administration called ENA, Hubert Védrine served successively as a diplomatic advisor, spokesman and Secretary-General (chief of staff) under the presidency of François Mitterrand, from 1981 to 1995.  He was Minister of Foreign Affairs in the government of the Prime Minister Lionel Jospin under the presidency of Jacques Chirac, from 1997 to 2002. In January 2003, Hubert Védrine founded “HUBERT VEDRINE CONSEIL”, a public consulting firm specializing in foreign, economic and geopolitical affairs. He has chaired the François Mitterrand Institute since 2003.Hubert Védrine has been appointed as an independent director of LVMH since 2004. He was chosen by Kofi Anan to be one the twenty international members of the High Level Group of the “Alliance of Civilizations” in 2005 and 2006.


Publications :

2012, « La mêlée mondiale », 2009-2012, Fayard

2009, « Atlas des crises et des conflits », avec Pascal Boniface, (Armand Colin, Fayard)

2009, « Le temps des chimères », 2003-2009, Fayard.

2008, « Atlas du monde global », avec Pascal Boniface (Armand Colin, Fayard)

2007 « Continuer l’Histoire », Fayard. (History strikes back)

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