Rencontres économiques d’Aix-en-Provence 2007
Which Capitalisms for the XXIth Century ?
The 7th Rencontres économiques d’Aix-en-Provence happened the 6th, 7th and 8th of July 2007
Download the PROGRAM AIX 2007
Download the Final declaration 2007 of Le Cercle des économistes
Friday, 6th (Aix – Marseille Law and Political Science School, Paul Cezanne University, 3 avenue Robert Schuman)
9:00 am The Lawyer’s Workshop.
- Law and regulations in the perspective of economic efficiency, growth and development (Differences and interaction between Law and regulations – Rigidity of the Law vs economic dynamism – Financial markets as regulating factors: the Law of mergers and acquisitions).
- The various forms of capitalism vs the different legal systems (Corporate law and the protection of minority shareholders – Bankruptcy Laws)
- Competition Laws and the protection of the parties involved (CEOs and clemency programs – The protection of minority shareholders – Class actions and the protection of consumers).
- Are legal systems a support for innovation? The law and economy of knowledge – Intellectual property rights and innovation (The eBay and Internet trademarks) – Sanctions by compensation of damage incurred.
- The unity of economic and civil rules in an unequal world
- Guy Canivet (Constitutional Council)
- Paul Joskow (MIT)
- Frédéric Jenny (Cour de Cassation)
- Claude Lazarus (Conseil de l’ordre des avocats)
- Philippe Li (Kim & Chang)
- Damien Neven (Directorate General for Competition, Brussels)
- Jean-Claude Paye (former OECD Secretary-General)
- Marc Pena (Dean, Law and Political Science School, Paul Cezanne University)
- Catherine Prieto (Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille)
- Didier Poracchia (Université de Droit, d’Economie et des Sciences d’Aix-Marseille)
- Pierre Raoul-Duval (Gide Loyrette Nouel)
- Andrei Shleifer (Harvard)
- Georges Terrier (JeantetAssociés)
Coordination: Bertrand Jacquillat with the participation of Anne Perrot, Benoit Coeuré, Dominique Roux and Christian Stoffaës (Cercle des Economistes)
2:00 pm: Opening of the Aix-en-Provence Economic Forum
Welcome by Jean-Hervé Lorenzi (President of Le Cercle des économistes)
Opening by Roberto Lavagna(former Minister of Economy – Argentina)
Host: François Roche (Foreign Policy)
2:30 pm Session 1: The Diversity of Capitalisms
- Michel Aglietta (Université Paris-X Nanterre)
- Jeffry A. Frieden (Harvard)
- Peter A. Hall (Harvard)
- Yixiang LIN (TX Investment Consulting Co)
- Alexander Medvedev (Gazprom)
- Edmund Phelps (Nobel Prize for economics)
Coordination:Patrick Artus, Christian de Boissieu (Cercle des économistes)
Host: François Roche (Foreign Policy)
3:45 pm Session 2: Financial globalization, a force of convergence?
- Frank Dangeard (Club des Trente)
- Christian Noyer (Banque de France)
- Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago)
- Myron S. Scholes (Nobel Prize for Economics)
- Michel Tilmant (ING)
- Ted Tokuchi (Citic)
- Rémy Weber (CIC – Lyonnaise de Banque)
Coordination:Anton Brender, Jean-Paul Pollin with the contribution of André Cartapanis (Cercle des économistes)
Host: Philippe Mabille (La Tribune)
5:00 – 6:15 pm Session 3: Globalization and Diversity of Social Structures
- François Bourguignon (World Bank)
- Pierre Gadonneix (EDF)
- Roberto Lavagna (former Minister of Economy – Argentina)
- Eric Lombard (BNP Paribas Assurance)
- Philippe Mellier (Alstom Transports)
- Axel Miller (Dexia)
- Alain-Gérard Slama (IEP Paris)
- Yoshinori Yokoyama (Social System Design Institute)
Coordination: Pierre Cahuc, Pierre Jacquet with the contribution of Jean-Michel Charpin (Cercle des économistes)
Host:Gérard Bonos (Radio Classique)
First day’s conclusions:
- Guy Canivet (Conseil Constitutionnel)
- Andrei Shleifer (Harvard)
Coordination: Bertrand Jacquillat (Cercle des économistes)
Saturday, 7th(Institute of Political Science, 25 rue Gaston de Saporta)
9:00 am Session 4: Corporations at the Heart of Capitalism and Economic Growth
- Philippe Aghion (Harvard)
- Léo Apotheker (SAP)
- René Carron (Crédit Agricole)
- Oleg Deripaska (Rusal)
- Christophe de Margerie (Total)
- Gérard Mestrallet (Suez)
- Augustin de Romanet (Caisse des dépôts)
- Jean-François Théodore (Euronext)
Coordination:Jean-Paul Betbèze, Christian Saint-Etienne with the contribution of Daniel Vitry (Cercle des économistes)
Host:François-Xavier Pietri (La Tribune)
10:30 am Session 5: What Kind of Capitalism for what Kind of Economic Development?
Speakers (two stage sessions)
- Afif Chelbi (Minister of Industry, Tunisie)
- Soumaïla Cissé (UEMOA)
- Eric Labaye (McKinsey)
- Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon (Yale)
- Lionel Zinsou (Rothschild et Cie Banque)
- Jacques Attali (PlaNet Finance)
- Thierry de Longuemar (African Development Bank)
- Bruno Lafont (Lafarge)
- Anne Lauvergeon (Areva)
- Pedro Lichtinger (Pfizer)
- Stéphane Salord (Mairie d’Aix-en-Provence)
Coordination:Agnès Benassy-Quéré, Jean-Marie Chevalier (Cercle des économistes)
Host:Frédéric Lemaître (Le Monde)
2:30 pm Session 6: The Spirit of Capitalism, Cultures and Religions.
- Mohammed Arkoun (Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III)
- Gilles Benoist (CNP Assurances)
- Monseigneur Jean-Charles Descubes (Archbishop of Rouen)
- Bruno Etienne (IEP Aix-en-Provence)
- Francis Fukuyama (Johns Hopkins)
- Philippe Lemoine (LaSer)
- Peter Sloterdijk (Hochschule für Gestaltung de Karlsruhe)
- Immanuel Wallerstein(Yale)
Coordination:Pierre Dockès, Marc Guillaume with the contribution of Elie Cohen (Cercle des économistes)
Host:Dominique Rousset (France Culture)
3:45 – 5-15 pm Session 7: Capitalism, Nationalism and Economic Warfare
- Gilles Duranton (Toronto University)
- Simon Evenett (University of St. Gallen)
- Paul Joskow (MIT)
- Dalia Marin (University of Munich)
- Mario Monti (Università Bocconi)
Coordination:Lionel Fontagné, Anne Perrot (Cercle des économistes)
Host:Christine Ockrent (France 3)
Sunday 8th(Aix – Marseille Law and Political Science School, Paul Cezanne University, 3 avenue Robert Schuman)
9 am Discussion: Is the principle of the freebe the ultimate stage of capitalism?
- Didier Lombard (France Telecom)
- Erik Orsenna (Académie française)
Coordination: Christian Stoffaës (Cercle des économistes)
9:30 am Session 8: France and Capitalism
- Christine Lagarde (Minister for the Economy, Finance and Employment)
- Michel Cicurel (Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild Banque)
- Jacques-Henri David (Deutsche Bank)
- Alain Dinin (Nexity)
- Jean-Paul Fitoussi (IEP Paris)
- Pascal Lamy (OMC)
- Serge Villepelet (PricewaterhouseCoopers)
- Serge Weinberg (Weinberg Capital Partners)
Coordination: Daniel Cohen, with the contribution of Michel Didier (Cercle des économistes)
Host:Jean-Marc Sylvestre (TF1)
10:45 am Session 9: Europe: one Capitalism, for diversity of nations
- Michel Barnier (Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries)
- Sergio Cofferati (Mayor of Bologna))
- Joschka Fischer (Princeton University)
- Philippe Herzog (Confrontations Europe)
- Sir Callum McCarthy (Financial Services Authority)
- Eric Le Boulch (CM-CIC Securities)
- Wanda Rapaczynski (Agora Group, Gazeta Wyborcza)
Coordination:Catherine Lubochinsky, Jean Pisani-Ferry with the contribution of Jean-Dominique Lafay (Cercle des économistes)
Host:Eric Le Boucher (Le Monde)
11:30 – 1:15 pm Session 10: How to Manage the Diversity of Models?
- Jean-Marie Guéhenno (Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations of UN)
- Angel Gurría (OCDE)
- Carlos Ivan Simonsen Leal (Fundaçâo Getulio Vargas)
- David Rubenstein (The Carlyle Group)
- Guy Ryder (International Trade Union Confederation)
- Jean-Claude Trichet (Banque Centrale Européenne)
- Hubert Védrine (former French Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Coordination:Olivier Pastré (Cercle des économistes)
Host:François Lenglet (Enjeux Les Echos)
Conclusion:Jean-Hervé Lorenzi (Président du Cercle des économistes)