Rencontres économiques d’Aix-en-Provence 2004
European Companies in the global competition
Does a company have a nationality ? Can a nationality be assigned to a European company ? What is its spatial reference ? What are the remaining barriers for European companies?
Télécharger le Programme_2004 des Rencontres
Télécharger la Declaration_finale_2004
Télécharger la Liste_des_intervenants_2004
The concept of nationality applied to companies
Does a company have a nationality ?
Can a nationality be assigned to a European company ?
What is its spatial reference ?
What are the remaining barriers for European companies?
- Participants :
Mario Monti (European commissionary), Josef Ackermann (Deutsche Bank).
- Coordination for le Cercle :
Anne Perrot, with the participation of Patrick Artus, Jean-Michel Charpin, Christian Saint-Etienne (Cercle des économistes) and Hubert Gabrié (Université Paris-Dauphine).
- Host :
Frédéric Lemaître (Le Monde).
The culture of the European company
Is there an economic and entrepreneurial culture in European companies ?
Is there a national and sectorial European «genius» ?
- Participants :
Edith Cresson,Ferruccio de Bortoli (RCS libri/Flammarion), Francis Mayer (Caisse des dépôts), François Roussely (EDF), Erik Orsenna (Académie française).
- Coordination for le Cercle :
Bertrand Jacquillat, with the participation of Marc Guillaume (Cercle des économistes).
- Host :
Dominique Rousset (France Culture).
Is there an educational preparation to a European culture of companies (LSE, Sciences-Po, Erasmus…) ?
How does a company or an entrepreneur become European?
- Participants :
Philippe Camus (EADS), Jean-Emmanuel Combes (PricewaterhouseCoopers), Dominique Desailly (Rise Conseil), Henri Proglio (Véolia).
- Coordination for le Cercle:
Michel Didier, with the participation of Jean-Pierre Boisivon, Elie Cohen and Daniel Vitry (Cercle des économistes).
- Host :
Serge Marti (Le Monde).
Competences, the «heart of trades» of European companies.
- Introduction :
Christian de Boissieu (Président du Conseil Scientifique, Cercle des économistes), François Xavier Pietri (La Tribune)
Foreign investments of European companies. Future delocations/relocations.
- Participants :
Anne Lauvergeon (Areva), FrancisMer, Bertrand Collomb (Lafarge), Yves-Louis Darricarrère (Total).
- Coordination for le Cercle :
Agnès Benassy,with the participation of Pierre Jacquet, Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, Charles-Albert Michalet and Jean Pisani-Ferry (Cercle des économistes).
- Host :
Eric Le Boucher (Le Monde).
Defining the European financial sphere
- Participants :
Philippe Lagayette (JP Morgan), Charles Milhaud (CNCE), Christian Noyer (Banque de France), Michel Tilmant (ING), Rémy Weber (Lyonnaise de Banque).
- Coordination for le Cercle :
Michel Aglietta, with the participation of Patrick Artus, Catherine Lubochinsky, Jean-Paul Pollin, Jacques Mistral (Cercle des économistes), André Cartapanis (CEFI, Université de la Méditerranée).
- Host :
François-Xavier Pietri (La Tribune).
Rejuvenate old Europe
Demography, employability, upgrading of skills, research, innovation.
- Participants :
Thierry Breton (France Télécom), Jérôme Clément (Arte), Olivier Fleurot (Financial Times), Philippe Lemoine (Galeries Lafayette), Jean-François Théodore (Euronext).
- Coordination for le Cercle :
Pierre Cahuc, with the participation of Pierre Dockès (Cercle des économistes).
- Host :
Gérard Bonos (Radio Classique).
The assets and stakes of European infrastructures
- Participants :
Jean-Paul Bailly (La Poste), Patrick Buffet (Suez), Louis Gallois (SNCF), Alain Lemaire (Caisse d’Epargne Provence-Alpes- Corse-Réunion), Stéphane Salord (Mairie d’Aix-en-Provence).
- Coordination pour le Cercle :
Jean-Marie Chevalier, with the participation of Dominique Roux and Christian Stoffaës (Cercle des économistes).
- Round table led by François Lenglet (Enjeux- Les Echos).
Major projects for Europe and major projects in Europe
Compagnies, the driving force of an European reflation.
- Participants :
Laurent Fabius, Hubert Védrine, Léo Apotheker (SAP), Jacques-Henri David (Deutsche Bank), Jean-René Fourtou (Vivendi), Jean-Louis Gergorin (EADS).
- Coordination pour le Cercle :
Patrick Artus.
- Round table led by Gabriel Milesi.
- Conclusion :
Jean-Hervé Lorenzi (chairman of le Cercle des économistes)