Patrick HUBERT
Partner - Clifford Chance Europe LLP

Patrick Hubert heads the Antitrust Practice Group at the Paris office of Clifford Chance. In addition he is Vice-Chair of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Commission on Competition. He has an extensive governmental and public experience, having served as Deputy Head of Staff (1995-1997) and Head of Staff (2002-2004) of two French ministers of justice, as well as Legal and Legislative Advisor to the President of Senegal (1992-1995). Formerly, Patrick Hubert was involved in many regulatory disputes and reforms as a Government Commissioner at the French Council of State (Conseil d’Etat), the highest French administrative court and the main legal advisory body to the French Government.
- “Day-to-Day Competition Law: A Practical Guide For businesses”, co-published with Marie Leppard and Olivier Lecroart (Ed. Bruylant, 2014)
- “Concurrence, une «boîte à outils» pour les entreprises” (“Competition, a toolkit for business” – Echanges Internationaux, 1 October 2013)
- “A cautious beginning”, co-published with Guillaume Elder (Competition Law Insight, 17 September 2013)
- “Ententes entre producteurs : «Restons mesurés, certains cartels sont bons pour l’emploi et la concurrence» ” (“Collusions between manufacturers: ‘We must remain moderate, some cartels favours employment and competition'” – Atlantico.fr, 27 March 2012)
- “Exploitative abuse: the end of the paradox?”, co-published with Marie-Laure Combet (Revue Concurrences, 2011)