CEO - AuFeminin

Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon began her career in 1985 working for print media and TV (Libération, Le Nouvel Observateur, La Tribune, France Télévision Publicité). She first joined the Carat group in 1997 as General Director of Carat Prospective and of Carat Interactive. In 2002, she moved to New York where she held the function of CEO at Consodata North America. Back in France, she returned to Carat in 2004 as CEO of Aegis Media France and, later, Aegis Media Southern Europe (Aegis Media is the European leader for media counselling).
Since June 2010 Marie-Laure manages the aufeminin group as CEO. She is a member of the antitrust authority, board member of LVMH and has been teaching “Changing Media” at Sciences Po for 7 years.
Publication :
- Médias, votre public n’est plus dans la salle / *Editions Nouveaux débats publics (10 octobre 2007)
- L’art du marketing to women, On a assassiné la ménagère ! Co-écrit avec Benjamin Smadja. Edition Dunod, (20 août 2014)
Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon – S’épanouir au travail ou s’épanouir en travaillant ?