Professor - Warwick Business School

Giuliana is Professor of the Economics of innovation and the Assistant Dean of the Doctoral Programme at Warwick Business School. She is interested in the generation of new ideas (R&D and patents), the adoption of innovations and innovation performance measurement. Her papers have appeared in journals such as: Oxford Economics Papers, Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, The British Journal of Management. She has been teaching innovation at undergraduate, MSc, MBA and Doctoral level. She has been advising and doing research for a number of governmental and private organisations including the UK Business Innovation and Skills department, the UK Department for Education, NESTA, the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the European Commission. Giuliana is the co-chair of the British Network of Industrial Economists and the chair of the Business and Industrial Section of the Royal Statistical Society.
Publications (5 max.):
-,Battisti G., Colombo M. G. and Larissa Rabbiosi (2015) Simultaneous versus sequential complementarity in the adoption of technological and organizational innovations: the case of innovations in the design sphere. Industrial and Corporate Change 24 (2): 345-382 first published online March 5, 2015 doi:10.1093/icc/dtv003
– Corradini C, Battisti G and P. Demirel (2015) Serial innovators in the UK: does size matter?, Industrial and Corporate Change, first published online February 8, 2015 doi:10.1093/icc/dtu04
– Battisti G., Gallego J., Rubalcaba L, and P. Windrum. (2015) « Open Innovation in Services: Knowledge Sources, IPRs and Internationalisation » The Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 24(3), 223-247.
– Battisti, G.; Stoneman, P.(2010) How innovative are UK firms? Evidence from the CIS4 on synergies between technological and organisational innovations, British Journal of Management 21,187-206.
– Battisti G.(2007) Innovations and the Economics of New Technology Spreading Within and Across Users. Gaps and Way Forward, Journal of Cleaner Production
– Battisti G and P Stoneman, (2003) Inter-and intra-firm effects in the diffusion of new process technology, Research Policy 32 (9), 1641-1655.