Executive Director - MIT Enterprise Forum Israel

Executive Director, MIT Enterprise Forum of Israel
Chairperson, Global Entrepreneurship Week Israel
Adjunct Lecturer, High Tech Entrepreneurship, Technion & Tel Aviv University
Ayla Matalon became the Executive Director of the MIT Enterprise Forum after 15 years of experience in high-tech and venture capital. The MIT Enterprise Forum of Israel is a chapter of the MIT Enterprise Forum Inc., a global non-profit organization (started @ MIT in 1978) dedicated to promoting the growth and success of high-tech entrepreneurial ventures by connecting ideas, technology and people, providing education and consulting to high technology companies.
Previously an analyst at Steps Investments in Technology and Managing Director of the US-Israel Science and Technology Center, and with relevant experience as a software engineer in both Israeli and foreign high-tech companies (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology R&D Foundation, Daisy Systems, Indigo/HP and Christian Rovsing – DK), Ayla has acquired a profound knowledge of the Israeli high-tech sector and its needs.
Ayla lectures about high-tech entrepreneurship and business development both at the Technion and at Tel Aviv University. To date she has taught in 6 academic institutions including 3 MBA programs, and in total, has given close to 50 courses concerning Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Business Development. She consults to start-ups and early-stage companies, and is invested in a few.
Ayla has performed on stage and started a Band of engineers in the early 90s. She has an interest in flying, acquiring a private pilot’s license, having flown in Israel and France. Other areas of interest include hiking, education and gender equality. She is the mother of three boys.
Ayla is a cum laude alumnus of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa (B.A. 1980, M.Sc. 1987). She received an MBA (emphasis on Entrepreneurship) from INSEAD, Fontainebleau (1993).
Ayla Matalon – Why France Failed to Capitalize on its Engineering Talent to Create new Jobs ?