Member of parliament - Assemblée Nationale, France

Member of Parliament, member of the Finance Commission, leader of the opposition group at the Regional assembly of the Greater Paris area (region Ile-de-France) and secretary general of UMP, the main opposition party
As of June 2012, Valérie Pécresse acts as Member of Parliament, member of the Finance Commission, leader of the opposition group at the Regional assembly of the Greater Paris area (region Ile-de-France) and secretary general of UMP, the main opposition party. In 2011, she was appointed Minister for the budget and spokeswoman for the government by Nicolas Sarkozy. Before, she was Minister for higher education and research since May 2007. She was elected at the National Assembly in June 2002, re-elected in 2007 and 2012. Valérie Pecresse was appointed at the French Presidency in 1998 by Jacques Chirac, as advisor for new technologies and the internet. She is a Judge (Maître des Requêtes) at the Conseil d’Etat, the highest administrative jurisdiction. She is graduated from HEC and ENA.
Controversies: University, science and progress (with Axel Kahn, MD)– Controverses : Université, science et progrès (NIL, May 2011)
Being a woman politician is not that easy – Etre une femme deputée c’est pas si facile (L’Archipel, January 2007)