European Commissioner in charge of Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs

Member of the French National Assembly, 4th constituency in the Doubs 2014
Minister for Economy and Finance 2012-2014
President of the Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération 2008-2012
City councilor of Valentigney, Franche-Comté region 2008-2014
Member of the French National Assembly, 4th constituency in the Doubs 2007-2012
Vice-President and Member of the European Parliament 2004-2007 1994-1997
Representative of the French authorities at the Convention on the Future of Europe 2002
Member of the Franche-Comté Regional Council 1998-2004
Minister-delegate with responsibility for European affairs 1997-2002
Publication :
- L’Europe est morte, vive l’Europe, éditions Perrin, 2006
- Le Liquidateur, Hachette Livre littératures, 2008
- Mission impossible ? Comment la gauche peut battre Sarkozy en 2012, Paris, Le Cherche midi, 2009
- Défaite interdite, Flammarion, 2011.
- Combats: Pour que la France s’en sorte, Flammarion, 2014