Member - Cercle des économistes

Present positions
; Professor of Economics, University Paris Dauphine
; Director, Laboratory of Economics in Dauphine (LEDa) & Center of Energy Economics (CGEMP).
; President, Steering committee, Climate Economics Chair (CDC Climat, Total)
; Director, network research program, European Electricity Markets Chair(RTE, EDF, EPEX, UFE)
; Member of the board, University Paris-Dauphine
; Member of the Scientific Council, Smart-Grids France
; Co-editor, Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment
; Editorial board: International Journal of Management and Network Economics, Revue de l’Energie.
Positions’ held
; International Vice-President, University Paris-Dauphine (2004-2007)
; Professor of economics, University of Reims, University of Paris XIIII
; Invited professor, University of Todaï (Tokyo), Fudan (Shanghaï) et Bocconi (Milan)
; Energy expert, International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, World Bank.
; Columnist, Le Monde de l’Economie (1997-2007).
; Agrégation in Economics
; Ph.D in Economics (award of the best PhD Thesis, National Association of PhDs in Economics).
Main publications
; The Economics of Smart Grids, John Wiley, to be published, 2015.
; Is the French strategy of energy transition sustainable ?, Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment, 2015.
; Economic assessment of the shale gas development in US and Europe, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, with Sophie Méritet, 2014.
; Climate Economics in Progress 2013 (ed.), Climate Economics Chair, 2013.
; La Transition énergétique, Odile Jacob, 2013, with J.M.Chevalier & M.Cruciani.
; The New Energy Crisis, Palgrave McMillan, 2013, with J.M.Chevalier.
; Avenir énergétique : cartes sur table, Folio-Gallimard, 2012, with J.M.Chevalier & M.Derdevet. Award of the Association of Energy Economists (Japanese translation, Sakuhinsha, 2013).
Economic field of expertise
; Economics of energy and climate change, networks and telecommunication economics, industrial economics.