General Secretary - Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD

After studying, Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford and teaching Introductory Economics, he worked as an economist in the Economic Department at the Trades Union Congress in London. Subsequent posts included positions with the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employees (the forerunner of what is now UNI Global Union) in Geneva and the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in Brussels. Since 2012 he also serves as Chief Economist of the International Trade Union Confederation (www.ituc.org) in Brussels. TUAC and the ITUC together form the secretariat for the L20 that coordinates the labour input to the G20 process.Past not-for profit board positions include the Global Reporting Initiative and the Helsinki Group. He is currently a member of the Comité Médicis at the Amundi Group, the Conseil d’Orientation of IDDRI (the French Institute for Research on Sustainable Development) and Council of Ruskin College, Oxford. He is also currently a member and former Chair of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Employment/Future of Jobs.
Publication (5 max.):
Whilst at the ETUI he published extensively on Labour Markets and the Impact of Technological Change on Employment, including contributions to the Report to the Club of Rome “Microelectronic s and Society” Pergamon Press 1982. In recent years has been responsible for annual TUAC statements to the OECD Ministerial Council and since 2008 Labour 20 statements to the G20 Summits and Ministerial meetings (see www.tuac.org ).
Institution Profile: The Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) represents organised labour with the OECD and its various committees and working parties. TUAC’s affiliates consist of 58 national trade union centres in the 34 OECD industrialised countries which together represent some 60 million workers.
John Evans – Five Key Actions Going Forward