Partner - Sergio Bermudes Law Firm

As an Economist and Lawyer my fields of interest are macro economy policies, privatization and regulatory framework, with focus on utilities.
Former Director of the Brazilian Economic and Social Development Bank – BNDES and head of the National Privatization Program; Coordinator of the Regulatory Legal Committee of the Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Companies (ABCE), was appointed Legal Director of the ABCE in 2010. Currently is partner of Sergio Bermudes law firm and work as consultant to various companies on the energy sector.
Twitter Account: @elenalandau
“Regulação Jurídica do Setor Elétrico”, (Legal Regulation of the Electricity Sector) Tomo I and II,Coordenadora. Rio de Janeiro, 2011, ed. Lúmen Júris.
“Uma Agenda de Trabalho para o Setor Elétrico”,(a Working Schedule for the Electricity Sector) with Joisa Dutra and Patricia Sampaio, in Propostas para o Governo (proposals for the Government) 2015-2018, coord. Fabio Giambiagi and Claudio Porto.Elsevier,2013
“O Estado e a iniciativa privada no setor elétrico: uma análise das duas últimas décadas (1992-2012)“,(the State and private initiative in the electricity sector: an analysis of the past two decades) with Joisa Dutra and Patricia Sampaio, in Parcerias Público-Privadas: Experiências, Desafios e Propostas” (Public-private partneships, challenges and proposals by Gesner de Oliveira and Luiz Chrysostomo). Ed LTC,2013
“Concessões de Energia Elétrica: prorrogar ou licitar?” (Electricity concessions: extend or put up for tender?) in Direito Administrativo: Estudos em Homenagem a Francisco Mauro Dias (Administrative Law: Studies in tribute to Francisco Mauro Dias), coord. Marcos Juruena Villela Souto, Lumen Juris, 2009.
“Autorizações: Um instrumento inadequado para o setor elétrico”(Authorizations: an inadequate instrument for the electricity sector), Revista de Direito Administrativo (Administrative Law Review) FGV, vol.246, September 2007.
Elena Landau – The ideal Labour Code