Member - Cercle des économistes

Present positions :
- Professor at Paris School of Economics , University Paris 1
- Chairperson of the Conseil d’Analyse économique (Council of Economic Analysis)
- Member of the Policy committee to the French Ministry of finance
- Member of the French macroprudential authority
Previous positions :
- Professor, University Lillle 2, University Paris – Nanterre and Ecole polytechnique
- Lecturer, University of Cergy-Pontoise
- Columnist, France-Culture
- Economist, French ministry of economy and finance
Educations and degrees :
- PhD in Economics at the University Paris IX – Dauphine
- Graduated, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris
Main publications :
- « Economic Policy: Theory and Practice» with B. Coeuré, P. Jacquet and J. Pisani-Ferry, Oxford University Press, august 2010.
- « Économie de l’Euro», with B. Coeuré, La Découverte, collection Repères, 3rd edition 2014.
- Macroéconomie monétaire internationale, Economica, 2014.
Journal articles:
• «On the inclusion of the Chinese renminbi in the SDR basket» with D. Capelle International Economics, 139, 133-151, 2014.
• «The Impact of Market Regulations on Intra-European Real Exchange Rates» with D. Coulibaly Review of World Economics, 150 (3), 529-556, August 2014.
• «Modelling the world economy at the 2050 horizon» with J. Fouré and L. Fontagné The Economics of Transition, 21(4), 617-654, October2013.
• “Rebalancing Growth in China: An International Perspective” with B. Carton and L. Gauvin China Economic Review, 26, 118-139, September2013.
• “Fiscal sustainability in thepresence of systemic banks: the case of EU countries” with G. Roussellet InternationalTax and Public Finance, 21(3), 436-467, 2014.
Research interests:
International monetary system; Exchange rates; Economic policy; European integration