4 Jul 2015
What will the Company of the Future Look Like?
Session 20

It is a good time to reflect on the physiognomy of the company of the future because the edges of today’s companies are becoming increasingly less clear-cut. Globalisation is a highly abrasive phenomenon, which is devaluing business models more quickly than in the 20th century and blurring traditional boundaries. A time when the Ford-Taylor model has not yet completely disappeared from the stage, its designated successor, lean management, already has a slightly sepia tinge to it. If one needs to be convinced about the rapid loss of traditional points of reference, it is enough to note that the largest IPO in history on Wall Street was launched by a Chinese group, Alibaba, the archetype of the successful web company. How is the development of new and digital technologies, whether this is the deployment of networks or the adoption of equipment by businesses and households, causing major disruption to business organisation? Is the energy transition, less frequently highlighted in announcing company transformation, a powerful factor for changes to economic relations generally ?
Maurizio Zollo – A Copernican Revolution for tomorrow’s firms