5 Jul 2015
The Political Challenges of Work
Session 23

«In the fight against unemployment we have tried everything,» said François Mitterrand. All over Europe, a crisis of confidence with regard to politics is developing because politics no longer seems able to deliver on its promises in favour of employment and work. Paradoxically, the economy is restarting and is beginning to create jobs, which we can see in the United Kingdom or in Spain. Is this crisis with regard to politics to be found elsewhere in the world? At the time of budget restrictions, can we still implement major public policies and if not, what are the possible alternatives? Must the political sphere simply give up the struggle and leave everything to the free market? What is the room for manoeuvre of States, but also local authorities and international organisations? This session will be an opportunity to take a tour of the world of good practice in favour of employment to try to show that, despite what François Mitterrand said, politics still has the power to win the struggle for full employment and sustainable work.