Stéphane BOUJNAH
- CEO & Chairman of the Managing Board
- Euronext
- @euronext_fr
Stéphane Boujnah is Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of Euronext (https://www.euronext.com/en), the pan-European stock market bringing together the regulated markets of Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Milan, Oslo and Paris.
On April 29, 2021, Euronext finalized the acquisition of the Borsa Italiana group for an amount of € 4.4 billion. The transaction establishes Euronext as the first pan-European market infrastructure:
- the number one listing in Europe, with more than 1,870 companies listed for a total of € 5.1 trillion in market capitalization;
- the leading equity financing platform, with more than 63.6 billion euros raised in 2020 from investors to finance companies across Europe;
- the leading secondary market platform in Europe, with around € 12.2 billion in treasury shares and ETFs traded daily, on average;
- a leading operator of post-trade infrastructure, comprising a multi-asset class clearinghouse and a large network of European CSDs with nearly € 6,000 billion in assets under custody.
Before joining Euronext, Stéphane Boujnah was Managing Director of Santander Global Banking and Markets for Continental Europe. From 2005 to 2010, he was Managing Director at Deutsche Bank in charge of developing investment banking activities in France. Previously, he founded KM5 Capital, a consulting firm specializing in fundraising and mergers and acquisitions for venture capital funds and innovative technology companies.
From 2000 to 2002, he was Director in the European Mergers and Acquisitions team of Credit Suisse First Boston Technology Group, in Palo Alto and then in London. From 1997 to 1999, Stéphane Boujnah was adviser to the French Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
He began his career in 1991 as a business lawyer with Freshfields in Paris and London.
He graduated from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris. He holds a Masters and a DEA in Law from the Sorbonne, Paris, an LLM from the University of Kent in Canterbury, and an MBA from Insead.
Stéphane Boujnah was a member of the Commission for the Liberation of French Growth set up by President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007. He is the founder and vice-president of the think tank En Temps Réel (www.entempsreel.com) where he has published in 2003 “The Swedish model stainless” https://www.entempsreel.com/portfolio-item/cahier-linoxoubl-modele-suedois/. He is chairman of the boards of directors of Accentus and Insula Orchestra (http://www.insulaorchestra.fr/en/). He is Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Prométhée Education (https://www.prometheeeducation.com/).
He has been a Knight in the Royal Swedish Order of the Polar Star since 2010, and a Knight in the Order of the Legion of Honor since 2013.