Philippe TRAINAR
- Member
- Le Cercle des économistes
Current responsibilities
Professor of the insurance chair of the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
Director of the SCOR Foundation for Science
Member of the Boards of Directors of the SCOR Foundation for Science, the Toulouse School of Economics and Humensis
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Régulation and of the Scientific Council of the Maurice Allais Foundation
Chairman of the APREF Risk Committee
Member of the editorial boards of the Revue Française d’Economie, the journals Commentaire, Risques et Sociétal, and the Revue d’Economie Financière
Previous responsibilities
Senior Advisor to the CEO of SCOR, Chief Risk Officer and Chief Economist, member of the Executive Committee of the SCOR Group (2006-2017)
Director of Economic, Financial and International Affairs of the French Federation of Insurance Companies (2000-2006)
Advisor to the Prime Minister, Edouard Balladur (1993-1995)
Financial Attaché to the French Embassy in Germany (1985-1987)
Member of the Economic Analysis Council, the Economic Commission of the Nation, the Council of Statutory Levies, the Pension Orientation Council, the CRO forum
Member of the Boards of Directors of IDEI, SCOR Global P&C, SCOR Global Life, SCOR UK, SCOR Underwriting, MutRé, PUF and Belin Editions
Professor at the ENA, the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris-Dauphine, the Ecole Nationale d’Assurance, the IEP Paris
Graduate of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (1981)
Latest publications
« Why is diversifiable risk still remunerated? », Revue d’Economie Financière, 2019
« The reinsurance cycle: disappearance or mutationn », Risques, 2019
« Reinsurance, natural disasters and climate change», Risques, 2018
« The strengthening of the euro zone and the insurance sector », with François de Varenne, Banque, 2017
« Pensions: problems and solutions », (lecture at the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques), Commentaire, 2017
« The management of the insurance undertaking”, coordination en collaboration avec Patrick Thourot, Dunod, 2017
« Is the creation of pension funds still useful in advanced economies? », Revue d’Economie Financière, 2017
« The return of the debate on inequalities », avec Denis Kessler, Commentaire, 2016
« Which role for the taxation of savings and life insurance », Risques, 2016
« The impact of disruptions in globalization on insurance and reinsurance », Risques, 2016
« International demographic developments and their economic consequences », Revue d’Economie Financière, 2016
“What role for the taxation of savings and insurance?” Risques n°99, 2014
“Taking risks” in “What if the sun were to rise again over Europe?” JH Lorenzi and C. de Boissieu, Fayard, 2013
“Financing SMEs: what role for the insurance sector” in “Financing SMEs, major challenges, new paths”, Ed. JP Betbèze, PUF, 2013
“Insurance, financial stability and systematic risk”, Revue d’Economie Financière, n°101, 2011
“Ageing as a global phenomenon” in “Population clash: war or peace” P. Dockès and JH Lorenzi, Fayard 2010
“On the usefulness of finance and financial innovation “in “Does the world need finance?”, Ed. B. Coeuré, les Cahiers de la finance, PUF, 2010
“Long-term investments and investors” with JH Lorenzi, A. Quinet and J. Glachant, la Documentation française, 2010
“Securitization, Insurance and Reinsurance” with J.D Cummins, the Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2009
Main areas of expertise:
Macroeconomics, risk and insurance, tax, pensions and social security, finance, international economics