Laurence BOONE
- Chief Economist and Director of the Department of Economic Affairs, OECD
- Membre, Le Cercle des économistes
Current functions
- Chief Economist of the OECD and Director of the Department of Economic Affairs
- Member of the Strategy Committee of Agence France Trésor
- Member of the SDA Bocconi Strategic Council
- Associate professor at Sciences-Po
Previous functions
- Chief Economist of the AXA Group - Director of Research AXA-IM - Member of the Management Board, AXA IM
- Global Head of Multi Asset Client Solutions & Trading and Securities Finance, AXA Investment Managers
- Economic advisor to the President of the Republic François Hollande, Head of the Economy and Finance department then special advisor for multilateral and European economic and financial affairs, Sherpa.
- Managing Director and Chief Economist Europe of BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Kering Group
- Corresponding member of the Economic Analysis Council to the Prime Minister
- Associate professor at Sciences Po
- Chief Economist of Barclays Capital France
- Economist in the Economics Department of the OECD
- Researcher at the Center for Prospective Studies and International Information (CEPII)
- Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique
- Professor at ENSAE and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
- PhD in Applied Econometrics from London Business School
- A.A. in Quantitative Analysis and Modeling and a Master of Economics from Paris X Nanterre
- Reading University Master of Econometrics
Main publications
- "Coordination of European economic policies under the test of the crisis", Revue Econo-mique et Financière, in Revue d´Economie Financière, N ° 103, 3-2011
- “The European financial crisis: causes, implications and policy directions”, Journal of Asian Economic Policy, August 2009
- “The experiences of flat tax”, in. The fiscal instruments under discussion Cahiers Français, Chapter of N ° 343 of the Cahiers Français, April 2008
- “Wealth effects on money demand in the euro area”, with P. van den Noord, Empirical Economics, March 2007
- “An evaluation of the stabilizing role of replacement income in France”, with C. Gilles Working Document and Solidarity and Health Files, Oct-Dec 2006
- “Exchange rate regime and supply shocks asymmetry: the case of the accession countries”, with J. Babetski and M. Maurel, Journal for Comparative Economics, vol.32, issue 2, 2004
- “Wealth effect on money demand in EMU: econometric evidence”, with F. Mikol and P. van den Noord, OECD working paper, 411, 2004
- "The Interest Rates", with A. Benassy-Quéré and V. Coudert, La Découverte, Collection Repères, 2003, re-edited in September 2003
- “How Well Do Alternative Time-Varying Parameter Models of the NAIRU Forecast Unemployment and Inflation in the OECD Countries? ", With M. Juillard, D. Lacton and P. N’Diaye, IMF working paper, 2003
- “The Stock Market, the Housing Market and Consumption Behavior”, with N. Girouard, OECD Economic Studies35, 2002/2.
- Benassy-Quéré A., L. Boone and V. Coudert, 2003, re-edited in June 2015, "The Rates of Interest", Ed. La Découverte, Collection Repères.
- Collective books: State Reform (2011), Crisis policy: fiscal policy, with J. Pisani-Ferry (2010)
Boone, L., 2008, Chapter N ° 343 of Cahiers Français, April 2008, “The experiences of flat tax”, The fiscal instruments in debate Ed. Cahiers Français.
Academic publications
- Boone, L., 2011, “Crisis-proof European Economic Policy Coordination”, Economic and Financial Review, September 2011.
- Boone, L, 2009, “The European financial crisis: causes, implications and policy directions”, Journal of Asian Economic Policy, August 2009
- Boone, L. and P. van den Noord, 2007, “Wealth effects on money demand in the euro area”, Empirical Economics, March 2007.
- Babetski, J., Boone, L. and M. Maurel, 2004, “Exchange rate regime and supply shocks asymmetry: the case of the accession countries”, Journal for Comparative Economics, vol.32, issue 2.
- Boone, L. and Girouard, N. 2002, “The Stock Market, the Housing Market and Consumption Behavior” OECD Economic Studies - No. 35, 2002/2.
- Koen V., Boone L., de Serres A. and N. Fuch-Schündeln, 2002, "The unbearable lightness of the euro", International Economics, No 2001/4, 88.
- Boone, L. and Maurel, M. 1999 a, “Targeting of the Central and Eastern European Countries to the European Union” Economic Review, Vol. 50, no.6.
- Boone, L. and S.G. Hall, 1999, “Stylized Facts of the Business Cycle Revisited: a Structural Modeling Approach”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 4 (3), pp253-268.
- Boone, L. and S.G. Hall, 1999, “Signal Extraction and Estimation of a Trend: a Monte Carlo Study”, Journal of International Forecasting, 18, pp129-137.
- Boone, L., S.G. Hall and D. Kemball-Cook, “Endogenous Technical Progress in Energy Demand: the Case of France”, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 18., No. 2, April 1996.
Contributions to the work
- The Crisis's Capture of European States, in "Who's Capturing the State?" (University Press of France, 2012)
- Dictatorship of the markets or political wandering? In “The end of the dictatorship of the markets?” (Presses Universitaires de France, 2012)
- Fiscal policy: for a new approach, with Jean Pisani-Ferry in "What reforms to save the state?" (University Press of France, 2011)
- Economic governance of the euro zone: details can kill, with Agnès Bénassy-Quéré in “In search of new growth” (Presses Universitaires de France, 2011)
- The State and Financial Markets, in "Have the Markets Gotten Reasonable?" (University Press of France, 2011)
- Why are economists not audible, in "What are economists for?" (University Press of France, 2010)
Articles and journals
- “Brexit the French way: Regulation, tax, and politics”, 12 December 2016, Vox
- “Eurozone: Looking for growth”, 25 March 2013, Vox
- Completing the euro, with Patrick Artus, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Jacques Cailloux, Jacques Delpla, Emmanuel Farhi, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, Jean Tirole and Guntram Wolff, in “Notes from the economic analysis council” 2013/3 (no. 3)
- Fiscal policy: national commitment and European standards, with Jean Pisani-Ferry, in "Crossroads on the economy" 2012/1 (n ° 11)
- Synthesis of the seminar "British Business and the Euro" Economic Policy Forum "the British economy and the euro, in" International economics "2002/3 (no 91)
- "The stock market, the real estate market and consumer behavior", with Nathalie Girouard, in OECD Economic Review 2002/2 (no35)
- "The unbearable lightness of the euro", with Vincent Koen, Alain de Serres and Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, in International Economy 2001/4 (no 88)
- "Estimating the Structural Unemployment Rate of OECD Countries" with Dave Turner, Claude Giorno, Mara Meacci, Dave Rae and Pete Richardson, in OECD Economic Review 2001/2 (no33)
- "The anchoring of central and eastern Europe to the European Union", with Mathilde Maurel, in Revue économique 1999/6 (n ° 50)
- "The contrasting dialogue between German and French economists", in Commentary 1997/4 (Number 80)
- Eurozone: Looking for growth ”, wtih Céline Renucci, Ruben Segura-Cayuela, March 2013
“Repair and prepare: the Euro et al croissanec after Brexit”, with J. Delors, J. Amussen, A. de Geus, H. Enderlein, P. Lamy, E. Letta, P. Maystadt, M. João Rodrigues , G. Tumpell-Gugerell, A. Vitorino, September 2016, Jacques Delors Institute - Brexit the french way: Regulation, tax, and politics ”, with Ano Kuhanathan, December 2016
“France, inequality, and the social elevator”, with Antoine Goujard, OECD, March 2019 - "Are international institutions disqualified", Cercle des Économistes, Aix-en-Provence, 2019
- “Productivity and competitiveness in the euro area: A view from France”, with Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Olivier Blanchard, Laurence Boone, Gilbert Cette, Chiara Criscuolo, Anne Epaulard, Sébastien Jean, Margaret Kyle, Philippe Martin, Xavier Ragot, Alexandra Roulet , David Thesmar, July 2019
- “Right here, right now: The quest for a more balanced policy mix”, with Marco Buti, European Commission, October 2019
- “Policy change needed to accelerate investment in structural transformation”, with Debora Revoltella, EIB, December 2019
Blog posts
- French public finances: Time for change, with J. Pisani-Ferry, May 2011, Bruegel
- Public finances: The real debate, with J. Pisani-Ferry, May 2011, Bruegel
Main areas of expertise: Macroeconomics; European policies; public finances
July 2
July 3