- Director of the department “Opinions and business strategies”
Graduated from the Institute of Political Studies of Rennes and holder of a DEA in electoral geography (University of Paris VIII). 21 years of experience in opinion research (CSA, Ifop); intervenes in all current affairs inquiries, its areas of expertise focus in particular on electoral issues, economic and social issues, territorial divisions and international and defense issues.
As part of this contract, he will supervise the teams in charge of carrying out the quantitative studies carried out for the GIS and associated ministries.
- 1996-1998: Researcher at Ifop
- 1998-2003: Director of Studies at CSA Opinion
- 2004-2005: Director of Studies in the Opinion and Business Strategies Department - Ifop
- 2005-2010: Deputy Director of the Opinion and Business Strategies Department - Ifop
- Since 2011: Director of the Opinion and Business Strategies Department - Ifop
Regularly intervenes:
- to personalities and political groups for presentations related to questions of opinion,
- in many media on topical issues: France 5 (C’est dans l'Air), France Inter (Political issues), France Culture (Le Billet politique) ...
PUBLICATIONS (among the most recent)
- "The French archipelago. Birth of a multiple and divided nation". J. Fourquet - Editions du Seuil - March 2019
- "The new cleavage". J. Fourquet - Editions du Cerf - April 2018
- "To the right of God. The identity awakening of Catholics". J. Fourquet - Editions du Cerf - January 2018
- "The French puzzle. A new political division". J. Fourquet and H. Le Bras- essay by the Jean Jaurès Foundation - July 2017
- "The new Corsican question. Nationalism, clanism, immigration". J. Fourquet - Editions de l'Aube - April 2017.
- "Reception or submersion? European perspectives on the migrant crisis". J. Fourquet - Editions de l'Aube - October 2016.
- "Next year in Jerusalem? The Jews of France face up to anti-Semitism." J. Fourquet and S. Manternach. Fondation Jaurès and Editions de l'Aube. January 2016
- "Karim votes on the left and his neighbor votes FN. Electoral sociology of immigration". J. Fourquet et al. Fondation Jaurès and Editions de l'Aube. November 2015