Isabelle de GAULMYN
- Editor-in-chief
- La Croix
Isabelle de Gaulmyn, 58 years old, graduated form Sciences-Po Paris and is today editor-in-chief of the French daily newspaper La Croix. She began her career at Les Echos until 1993, before La Tribune from 1993 to 1997 where she followed local communities, regional development and afterwards, social security. At La Croix, she was sent in Rome from 2005 to 2009 to be special correspondent. Since 2012, she is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. She is often invited in different medias, especially France 5 (C’est dans l’air), Radio France, Arte (28 minutes). She wrote several biographies on Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. She is also the author of « History of a Silence » (Seuil), about cases of paedophilia in the Diocese of Lyon. She is a member of the Catholic Academy.