Hippolyte D’ALBIS
- Co-President
- Le Cercle des économistes
Current functions
- Co-president of the Circle of Economists
- Research director at CNRS
- Associate Professor, Paris School of Economics
- Honorary member of the Institut universitaire de France
- Director of the French National Transfer Accounts team
- Associate editor of the Journal of Demographic Economics and of the Journal of the Economics of Aging and of Public Finance Review.
Previous functions
- Professor of Economics, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (seconded to CNRS)
- Deputy Scientific Director, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, CNRS
- Professor, University of Montpellier 3 Paul Valéry
- Senior Lecturer, Toulouse 1 Capitole University
- Agrégation in economics
- Doctorate in economics, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Master in Mathematical Economics, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Ecole Centrale Paris
- Magistère in Banking Finance, University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas
Main publications
- Financing the Consumption of Young and Old in France (with C. Bonnet, X. Chojnicki, N. El Mekkaoui, A. Greulich, J. Hubert and J. Navaux). Population and Development Review 45 (1), 103-132, 2019.
- Immigration and Public Finances in OECD Countries (with E. Boubtane and D. Coulibaly). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 99, 116-151, 2019.
- Development, Fertility and Childbearing Age: A Unified Growth Theory (with A. Greulich and G. Ponthière). Journal of Economic Theory 177, 461-494, 2018.
- Macroeconomic Evidence suggests that Asylum Seekers are not a "Burden" for Western European Countries (with E. Boubtane and D. Coulibaly). Science Advances 4 (6): eaaq0883, 2018.
- Immigration Policy and Macroeconomic Performance in France (with E. Boubtane and D. Coulibaly). Annals of Economics and Statistics 121-122, 279-308, 2016.
- Is Low Fertility Really a Problem? Population Aging, Dependency, and Consumption (with R. Lee, A. Mason et al.). Science 346 (6206), 229-234, 2014.
- Persistent Differences in Mortality Patterns across Industrialized Countries (with L. J. Esso and H. Pifarré i Arolas). PLoS ONE 9 (9): e106176, 2014.
- Age Groups and the Measure of Population Aging (with F. Collard). Demographic Research 29 (23), 617-640, 2013.
- Mortality Transition and Differential Incentives for Early Retirement (with S. P. Lau and M. Sanchez-Romero). Journal of Economic Theory 147 (1), 261-283, 2012.
Main areas of expertise
- Macroeconomics, growth
- Longevity, aging
- International migrations
- Economic transfers between generations
- Immovable
July 2
July 4
July 4