Françoise BENHAMOU
- Co-President
- Le Cercle des économistes
Current functions:
- Co-President of the Circle of Economists
- Professor of Economics at Sorbonne University Paris Nord
- President of the Ethics Committee of Radio France
- Vice-president of the ARTE channel program advisory committee
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Esprit and the Journal of Arts & International Affairs
- Member of the Orientation Council of the Jean Jaurès Foundation
- President of the Scientific Council of the CNL (National Book Center)
- Member of the Scientific Councils of the National Library of France, of the Foundation for Human Sciences, of the DEMOS program (Philharmonie de Paris), of the DEPS (Department of Foresight Studies and Statistics of the Ministry of Culture)
- Member of the Boards of Directors of ALCA (Agency for Books, Cinema and Audiovisual in New Aquitaine) and of the Observatory of Cultural Policies
Previous functions:
- Member of the College of ARCEP (Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts)
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Louvre Museum
- Member of the Board of Directors of the National Heritage Institute
- President of CIRA (Association for Cultural Economics International)
- Vice-president of the University of Paris 13, in charge of international relations Researcher at CRG, Ecole Polytechnique (2008-2011)
- UNESCO expert
- Member of the Superior Council of Literary and Artistic Property and of the Steering Committee of the National Center for Variety and Jazz
- Agrégation in economics
- Agrégation in social sciences
Main publications:
- Faced with digital technology, disruption or continuity for copyright ?, L’Observatoire. The review of cultural policies, 2020.
- “New challenges of intellectual property rights protection in Europe”, Economia della cultura, 2019, 2, 173-186.
- “Economy of cultural heritage”, Discovery, 2019.
- What regulation in the face of digital platforms? Industrial realities - Annales des Mines series, February 2018, http://www.annales.org/ri/2018/ri_fevrier_2018.html.
- "The Economy of Culture" La Découverte (Repères) 2017.
- “Cultural policy, end of game or new season? »Paris, La Documentation française, 2015.
- "The book in the digital age. Paper, screens. Towards new wanderings ”, le Seuil, Paris 2014
- "Valuing the cultural heritage of France", with Thesmar D., Report for the Economic Analysis Council, Paris, La Documentation française, 2011
- "Copyright and copyright", with Farchy J., Paris: (la Découverte), 2009.
- "The disturbances of the cultural exception. European perspectives ”, (Le Seuil), 2006
- "The Economy of the Star System" (Odile Jacob), 2002.
Main areas of expertise: Culture and media economics; telecom economy; internet economy; public policies, industrial economy;
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