- Member
- Le Cercle des économistes
Current functions
- Professor at the Institute of Political Studies of Aix-en-Provence
- Researcher at GREDEG, UMR 7321, CNRS, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, and at CHERPA, EA 4261, Sciences Po Aix.
Previous functions
- Director of the Center for International Economics and Finance, UMR CNRS-Université de la Méditerranée
- Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Aix-Marseille
- Member of the National Council of Universities
- President of the French Association of Economic Science (2009-2010)
- Expert with ANR, AERES and HCERES
- President of the jury of the national aggregation competition for the recruitment of university professors in economics, (2013-2014)
- Doctor of State in Economics
- Winner of the agrégation competition in economics
Main publications
- “Monetary Policy and Financial Globalization”, Revue Française d´Economie, Vol. XXXIII, N ° 4, April 2019.
- “Modeling Bank Leverage and Financial Fragility under the New Minimum Leverage Ratio of Basel III Regulation”, (in coll.), Finance, Vol. 38 (3), 2017.
- “Monetary Policies and Financial Crisis: Towards a new Central Banking”, in Economics and Statistics, The Crisis, Ten Years After, n ° 494-496, 2017, INSEE.
- “Financial crises”, (in coll.), In MBA Finance, Eyrolles, 2017.
- “No way out of the crisis in 2016: the new paradigms of global macroeconomics”, in Economic rebound: how to finance it ?, Collection Turgot, Eyrolles, 2016.
- “What monetary regime for emerging countries after normalization?”, (In coll.), Revue d’Economie Financière, N ° 119, September 2015.
- “Why didn't we see it coming? The questioning of economists in the face of the financial crisis ", in Les marmites de l'histoire, Garnier, 2014.
- “New central banking and the international credit cycle”, Financial Economics Review, N ° 114, March 2014.
- “Faced with the crises of financial globalization, the question of international monetary and financial governance remains open”, in International disturbances: legal crisis or crisis law ?, Pedone, 2014.
- “International Economic Governance Efforts”, in Obama and the World. What Leadership for the United States ?, Editions de l'Aube, 2013.
- “The necessary redefinition of the ECB's mandate”, in Recent Developments in International Economics and Finance, Armand Colin, 2012.
- “Towards international monetary and financial governance under the aegis of central banks? ”, The Financial Review, N ° 197, Vol. 34, September-October 2012.
- “Is it really a good idea to want to reduce global imbalances in times of crisis? ”, Revue d´Economie Financière, N ° 103, October 2011.
- “The financial crisis and macro-prudential policies: regulatory change or a new paradigm?“, Economic Review, 62, N ° 3, May 2011.
- “Why can't the euro replace the dollar as an international currency?”, Financial Economics Review, N ° 100, December 2010.
- “Euro zone and monetary union: ten years later, a missed date?”, Revue d’Economie politique, Vol. 120 (2), March-April 2010.
Main areas of expertise: Macroeconomics in open economy, Financial crises, Higher education and research policy
July 2
July 2