Vaccinating the world’s population
In early June, 2 billion people have been administered at least one shot of anti-Covid vaccine. That represents 29 persons out of 100. However, this average hides huge disparities, from 64 persons out of 100 in North America to just 3 out of 100 in Africa. The challenges lie partly on the demand side (the anti-vaccine movement) and mostly on the supply side. What are the main bottlenecks today : on production (patents protection, access to inputs, training of producers), on distribution and on the modes of administrating the vaccines? Based on this diagnosis, what share of the world population can be vaccinated in the coming months? We would then know what lies ahead: herd immunity? minimizing the number of deaths? or «living with the covid », reopening the economy while protecting the working age population?

Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, CHNU de Fann, Sénégal

