Renewing social dialogue
The pandemic has not only slowed down the economy, it has also largely interrupted social dialogue to leave room for emergency regimes. Nonetheless, the pre-existing disagreements on the social model have not disappeared, and new issues related to health coverage, new forms of precariousness and teleworking have emerged. However, at a time of economic recovery, the reconstruction of social dialogue in society and in companies seems far from being a priority. If nothing is done to take into account the many and often legitimate demands, the resulting protest movements may slow down the economic recovery.
Is it possible to measure the economic benefit of a functional social dialogue for a company or a society? What bodies and tools for dialogue should be put in place for greater efficiency? Should reforms be carried out quickly to accompany the recovery or should we take the time to reflect on a new model of society to be put in place? Has the crisis changed our relationship to social issues?


Membre associée, Le Cercle des économistes