Retirement and dependency, a model to be rethought
Retirement and dependency are interdependent. They concern the same age groups and pose similar financial problems: how can they be financed without increasing the cost of labour or reducing the purchasing power of working people? However, while the pay-as-you-go system seems to be the best solution for retirement, it is not certain that it is the best solution for dependency. Moreover, it is not certain that the current conception of dependency coverage, as redistributive and focused on low dependency, is relevant. The session will therefore consider whether alternative solutions for long-term care should be envisaged, such as restricted distribution, i.e. limited to the pensioners themselves, or even capitalisation; whether these should take place in a public framework, which is more redistributive than insurable, or in a private framework, which is more insurable than redistributive; and whether we should seek to cover all forms of long-term care or whether we should concentrate on covering long-term care, which is also the most costly risk for households.

