Producing sustainable food
“Tell me what you eat, I’ll tell you what you are”, said Brillat-Savarin. Consuming better, consuming differently, implies accelerating the transition towards a sustainable agriculture.
The requirement to produce better, but also the imperative to produce more to feed a growing world population, is at the crossroads of many issues. Ecological challenges, food sovereignty, technological progress, and the training of stakeholders of this sector all interact with sustainable agricultural production.
The round table will evoke the main lines of the agricultural revolution that lies ahead of us. In order to achieve this, we can count on both the awareness of consumers and the growing commitment of the stakeholders in this sector.
In that sense, France has already many comparative advantages. To take a leading role in this transition to sustainable agriculture, greater commitment and investment will be necessary.

Centre national interprofessionnel de l'économie laitière (CNIEL)

