A new paradigm for growth
Since Keynes, economists have been fond of using, often hastily, the term paradigm. Why use this concept to sequence the history of economic theories? For the simple reason that political economy has always functioned on the basis of paradigms, i.e. a set of beliefs and concepts shared by the community of economists, but which also hold society together. There is no doubt that the paradigm shift we are going to witness in the coming years is going to happen. For everything we used to believe in is being swept away. We used to believe in the positive sharing of global productive activities, but the segmentation of large production zones carries with it the threat of economic wars. As for debt, until recently it was considered an absolute evil, a source of inflation, which was demonstrated by irreproachable academic mechanisms. However, these theories are now disproved by the facts.
Instead of the “end of capitalism”, as Schumpeter predicted, it is better to think of sustainable and inclusive growth, born of a kind of revolution in our economic and social systems. All the conditions are there for a real change.
The three pillars on which a new paradigm can be built are, on the one hand, the economic and social data intended to build a sustainable future, on the other hand, the social norms that must be imposed and, finally, the representations of the world after the break. The former are the subject of new distributions, the very framework of a new social contract, giving growth the task of satisfying the well-being of the entire population, all generations combined, in the long term.
Today we will have to give them meaning in relation to the principles of 21st century growth, the effective and competitive demand dear to Keynes and the creative destruction of Schumpeter. Entrepreneurs anticipate new demands and new needs through the market of goods and services but also through their dreams and innovations that are constantly accelerating in a world in deep change.
The ambition of this session is to bring the elements of the new paradigm, 6 questions: Should salaries be increased? How to make innovation a source of new jobs? Should we encourage expansionary investments to combat climate change? How can we prevent youth from being a sacrificed generation? Should we bet on the qualification of jobs? Finally, should we not invest more in social issues?

Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de la Relance, France

