Putting finance back at the service of the economy
Debate 10
Canal 5
July 4, 2020
19:10 - 20:00
In recent months, the exceptionally far-reaching measures taken by governments to support companies’ cash flow and solvency have made it possible to avoid bankruptcies and layoffs in the short term. In return we now face increase in public debt, but also growing indebtedness of private players.
The productive fabric will therefore undoubtedly need a substantial injection of long-term financing to sustain companiesbalance sheets, damaged by these months of reduced activity, and to finance their recovery and development. How are financial players mobilising to provide this financing? What is the role of the public authorities in supporting them? How can individual savings, which have increased substantially in recent months, be better directed towards the productive fabric?
At the same time, and in order to support structural transformations and renew the productive fabric, how can we continue to encourage the emergence of new businesses and avoid artificially maintaining unviable companies? How can financial players promote the proper (re)allocation of capital as we emerge from the crisis?
Finally, how can we ensure that the economic crisis does not lead to a financial crisis, which would interrupt the economic rebound we are hoping for?