
Pernilla BARALT

Former State Secretary - Minister of Health and Social Affairs of Sweden

Ms. Pernilla Baralt has worked in leading positions in governmental, intergovernmental and civil society organisations for over 20 years, both on national, European and on international level. She has worked with policy development in a number of different areas such as environmental issues, equal opportunities, policies for the elderly and children’s rights. She has extended experience of working within the European Union, both as advisor to Members of the European Parliament as well as a Member of Cabinet for Commissioner Margot Wallström.

Until recently Ms. Pernilla Baralt was State Secretary in the ministry of Social Affairs, responsible for equal opportunities and children’s rights. She was among other key government proposals responsible for the incorporation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child into Swedish law. She was also engaged in the government efforts to strengthen the social protection system for children and had a key role in the reception and protection of the large number of unaccompanied minors arriving in Sweden in 2015-2016. In the area of equal opportunities, Ms. Baralt was in charge of the government proposals for new goals to achieve equal opportunities and a new national agency on equal opportunities. Participation, dialogue and to work in partnership has often been part of achieving results.  As State Secretary Ms. Baralt chaired a national delegation for children’s right’s organisation and set up a national partnership with private business and civil society to end violence against children. Ms. Baralt was also the founding director of the think tank, Global Utmaning (Global Challenge), with the goals to promote knowledge and dialogue within society, including with young persons, on challenges such as integration, climate change and sustainable development.

At present Ms. Baralt work as an advisor and expert in children’s rights, equal opportunities and the Agenda 2030. She is an active member of the board of the new National Research Centre on violence against children, Barnafrid.

Ms. Pernilla Baralt is a strong supporter of Agenda 2030 and believes that the sustainable development goals can only be reached in partnerships with civil society and private business and with the participation of children and young persons.

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