
Alexandra ROULET

Associate Member - Cercle des économistes



Interests, Fields of Research :

Alexandra Roulet just graduated from Harvard University where she earned a Ph.D in Economics. In september 2017, she will start as Assistant Professor of Economics at INSEAD, where she is currently a Stone Post-Doctoral Fellow. Her research focuses on labor markets and unemployment, in particular her current work investigates the effect of job loss and unemployment on health. Prior to her Ph.D, Alexandra Roulet was a student of Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris.

Peer-reviewed publications:

Unemployment Insurance and Reservation Wages: Evidence from Administrative Data” (with Thomas Le Barbanchon and Roland Rathelot). Forthcoming at the Journal of Public Economics

Creative Destruction and Subjective Wellbeing” (with Philippe Aghion, Ufuk Akcigit and Angus Deaton) – American Economic Review, December 2016, 106(12): 3869-97; NBER WP No. 21069, 2015.

“Growth and the Smart State”, Annual Review of Economics, Vol. 6, pp.913-926, 2014 (with Philippe Aghion)

Book and book chapters (in French):

Repenser lEtat. Pour une social-démocratie de linnovation. La République des idées, Éd. du Seuil, Paris, 2011 (with Philippe Aghion)

“Évaluation et big data, de nouveaux outils pour l’action publique » and « Une action publique optimisée : vers la fin du politique ? » (with Aude Costa de Beauregard) in L’Etat en mode start-up, Éd. Eyrolles, edited by Yann Algan and Thomas Cazenave, 2016

Twitter Account: @alexandraroulet

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